Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Nineteen Pounds Down and a Long Way to Go

Welcome to my brand new blog!

As a feature on my regular, random-thought-laden blog Qué Sara Sara, I started back in January my journey to weight loss glory using Weight Watchers Online.  I titled this series The Fat Fatwa, and started blogging periodically about the struggles with weight loss.

The truth is, that the further I went on this journey, the more I realized that there was so much more there to be said than anyone in the media was actually saying.  And also, so many of my friends who were struggling with similar questions, similar struggles, and many who had been struggling with these issues in silence. It is time we lend a voice to all of those who are tired of being bombarded with weight loss solutions that aren't solutions, and promises of easy weight loss broken over and over again.

It's time that you see someone like myself who is in the middle of the battle. Not merely a before and after photo, but a real human being in the middle of a long weight loss journey.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I present: The Corpulent Crusade.

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