Monday, July 7, 2014

Weight Loss Proves the Existence of Time Travel

Losing even five pounds, for me, is definitely time travel.

Late last year I had decided to box up a whole bunch of clothes I had planned on giving to charity. All of them consisted of things I had no hope of wearing anymore. Inside were a few things that had actually shrunk in the wash because I had inadvertently dried the un-machine-dry-able. So now I was left with the occasional top that was three inches long and eight feet wide. So these things go to charity, because who knows? There may be a few weight-challenged Lilliputians out there in the world that might be able to wear it.

However the rest were all that size that I figured if I hadn't lost the weight now I would never lose it, so I might as well just donate all of this stuff and never look at again lest it depress me.

Instead, I'm well into my year of weight loss, and after getting new jeans a few months back, I'm finding all of my jeans are just too loose. Granted it's summertime and most days require shorts more than pants.

But after recovering from that massive cold virus that ravaged me for a week and a half, I found myself reorganizing and taking a second look at my donation pile.

I had my very old jeans already set aside there.  As a general rule, I try to have at least one or two pairs of old jeans that are too loose, just in case of massive bloating or other unexpected weight gain so that I have something to put on my person. But my very old jeans were really, really too loose to even keep on my body.  So I knew that I had really truly gone down two pants sizes now.

It had been so long since I'd worn many of these items that they had been sitting in my closet, had moved here in their dormant state back in 2011 and hadn't been worn since probably pre-2008 before that. In fact, I had an entire period of my life where I just didn't have that many pairs of pants that fit me other than various pairs of basically yoga pants.

So now realizing that all of my current size was too loose, and having tried on one pair of pants and having them fit a few weeks ago, I found the same-sized kinsmen and set about trying them on.

Sure enough, I was able to add another THREE pairs of jeans to my repertoire without going shopping. Of course, these jeans are not what I would consider the most up-to-date, sporting the just a bit more below my waist than I am comfortable with, but I'm willing to put up with a slightly out of style look to get me by.  After all, at this rate, by fall I may need to actually replenish my wardrobe again.

I cannot begin to describe the burst of joy of being able to try on pants from a bygone era and have them fit.

Better still, the decreasing size means a far greater choice in things to wear. Despite there always being a large number of women who are plus-sized, department stores continue to shrink the plus-sized clothes. There are few things when shopping more discouraging than seeing aisles and racks of clothes in a seemingly endless sea, and knowing your choice is limited to a tiny section at the back with a selection of items that seem better suited for the retirement village. Unless one actually has earned the senior discount, I don't want to be forced to wear senior clothing.

Instead, a whole new world of clothing is opening up to me. As well as clothing several years old.

I have never been more proud to sport outdated clothes.

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